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Secret Santa G I V E A W A Y | Arrivederci 2015

Oh, what a difference a year can make…

Can it really be the middle of December already? It’s hard to believe that Christmas is less than two weeks away!

Which means that now is the perfect time for us to take a moment to look back on the previous year.This year we explored the globe a little further pioneering and expanding SoulFit Adventures into France and Cambodia, we also lead our first new active holiday retreat in North-West Bali in addition to the existing eco retreat in East Bali. It’s been a year of great adventure for us and we are not slowing down just yet. We were branded with a new logo, which we’ve loved, and grown our active adventures team – and we are biting at the bit to get stuck into 2016.

But, as the year comes to a close, we remember what was on our minds in 2015, and the collective difference we make by coming together.

On the night of November 13, a series of attacks in Paris shook the nation and the world. It was the deadliest attack in France since World War II. Our hearts were filled with love for those in France, and we soon released an email with our support, that we would be returning in 2016. Through our resilience and courage we make choices to live better lives and not give up. We watched wreckage from the plane crash in the French Alps when a German winged Co-Pilot deliberately crashed an Airbus, witnessed the deadly earthquake in Nepal, listened to the stories of the refugee crisis, which has torn at our hearts, and the ISIS attacks beyond our comprehension.

As we remember 2015 devastations we continue to hold above all - love and the inspiration to live kinder lives.

In September we saw Pluto up-close for the first time! We have experienced powerful blood super moons; liquid water was found on Mars and we celebrated the lives of Jessica Ainscough, The Wellness Warrior and B.B King, The King of Blues.

As the year wraps up we are one step closer learning how to stay calm in the face of adversity. We are one step closer to our dreams and we are one step closer than we were yesterday along the journey we call life, into a New Year.

SoulFit Adventures mission is to transport you to the most luxurious safe destinations around the world and immerse you in an active holiday, where you learn new ways of living—healthily and happily.

As some of you know, health and travel are what started Founder, Virginia along her path to change her life and many others. So let’s take a moment to reflect.


And begin to set our intentions for 2016. Let’s choose quality over quantity this year. And dispense with the resolutions list that’s of broad ambitions and aspirational new habits in favour of a more targeted, more meaningful, more achievable ways of life.

Perhaps your biggest resolution at New Year’s is to get fit — start exercising, start eating right, and all that.

Instead of creating a list of resolutions this year, let’s create intentions. Here’s some to get you started:

  • I intend to live every waking minute of every day conscious, awake and aware and in the present moment, while feeling as much joy as possible.

  • I intend that my physical body is one hundred precent vital, healthy, and filled with energy.

  • I intend to reverse the aging process and fully rejuvenate my physical body and look and feel ageless.

  • I intend to be drawn to and crave the movement; nourishing food that my physical body needs to stay in perfect shape, health and have the greatest overall positive impact on my physical, energetic, spiritual and mental bodies.

  • I intend to see and become who I really am as fully as possible.

  • I intend to be a courageous adventurer and risk taker—secure and confident about who I am.

  • I intend to feel totally safe and secure.

  • I intend to explore this world, allowing my reality to guide me to experiences and adventures, and people who will delight me in every regard.

At SoulFit Adventures we provide luxury retreats which are designed to give you a little bit of yourself back… in our busy lives it’s often hard to jump out and restore our vitality—which is why we have a Christmas gift waiting for you!

A Secret Santa bag filled with goodies including the inspiring Les Levanthal’s book Two Lifestyles, One Lifetime for your holiday reading, an eco yoga travel mat for the holidays, he and she organic soaps, SoulFit Adventures active wear and more. Simply answer the Q below in 50 to 100 words:

If someone had a magic wand and could grant you anything, what would you wish for? Remember, its a magic wand so dream big!


Share this post, subscribe to our mailing and live with adventure in 2016!

You have one week to enter with the winner announced on December 23.

Following is an outline of all countries and dates scheduled in 2016.

Click on the individual links for more information on each retreat or contact

Finally, from the team at Soulfit Adventures we'd like to say thank you for your support in 2015 and wish you and your families a fabulous, festive and very Merry Christmas and here's to saying yes to new adventures in 2016!

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Soulfit Adventures offers luxury cycling escapes for people who are passionate about travel and culture with a penchant for adventure. Participants enjoy a memorable experience that combines cycling with retreat style luxury, yoga and massage therapy. While, at the same time travelling responsibly and supporting local communities.


Retreats are held in Europe and Australia.

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2010 - 2023


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