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An active trailblazing approach to fun...

Sometimes, it takes a special place in your life and the right setting to unravel and just let go. As we are well underway with a new year, your thoughts may well be turning to your travel plans for the year ahead. It’s never too early, or too late for that matter, to start planning your holiday or getaway from it all. If you’re reading this, you probably appreciate the adventurous things in life.

Are you ready for freedom and fun—to set your trail blazing and have some adventure?

A retreat places us in situations we couldn’t otherwise imagine. It often spurs us to do things we thought we couldn’t do. It provides perspective on our lives and our place in the world. Amidst all this, travel and adventure also offers freedom. Among adventure, the greatest freedom of all is the freedom to let go.

But what does “let go” really mean?

It can be:

  • The beauty of being on the road where nobody knows who you “should” be and all they know is who you are then and there.

  • Feelings that no problem seems too big after a ride or a gentle yoga practise.

  • Of getting to know yourself, challenge yourself and be yourself a little bit more.

  • Seeing places and noticing things you have dreamed of seeing for a lifetime—with fresh air whooshing around you!

  • Feeling the vitality within, being a healthier, happier you.

By retreating yourself to an active holiday we take you beyond the norm of what you would usually do; think prosciutto and fresh pasta in Tuscany, a glass of rose in Provence on dusk, or sipping on fresh coconut water direct from the coconut with a cool ocean breeze and oh, so much more. Yes, you can have your cake (or gelato and all things delicious) and eat it too, while feeling re‑energized, healthy and invigorated. We share our yoga practice and bond over some fun rides with those near and dear, or turn to the stranger that you shared an epic ride with who quickly turned into a friend. Sharing a challenge, an exhilarating ride or supporting one another can be one of the best ways to bring people together.

The bike is freedom. It allows you to travel the roads less travelled, taking in the sights and smells—the crunching of the gravel below your tires or the soothing hum as you glide over fresh pavement – you just don’t experience the world the same way by foot, car, or plane.

We love cycling at Soulfit Adventures; we feel that by cycling, you get social, you get to chat (or not…), you get to have fun and be active in the outdoors. You get fitter. You get more toned. You get healthier. You get happier.

It’s easy to put your head down to achieve something one, two or ten years down the road. There’s no denying it’s important to have plans. However, in their search, we sometimes disown the beauty of the present moment — what is — for the future, what could be. And travel can help us slow down and tune into life.


  • Each day is different, taking you into the local off the beaten tracks to discover what waits.

  • Your body being guided through yoga to prepare you for the bike, or a restorative yoga sequence late in the day.

  • Fresh, authentic local foods prepared lovingly to nourish and delight you.

Worried that you are new to Yoga? Don’t be. Our retreats are here to help you start your Yoga journey, or deepen your practice for those who already have made Yoga part of their daily lives. Worried that the cycling might be too difficult? Don’t be. It’s moderate but designed to challenge you (it’s all part of the fun!) and our local guides are experts and will help you find your cycling legs. :-). If you are more experienced on the bike, we can definitely challenge you!

You may be asking, what’s the difference between a retreat and an active holiday?

The word ‘retreat’ has a heap of negative connotations – to withdraw, to shy away. While we get that every holiday has elements of wanting to escape – we wanted to create a place for people in order to better their ‘lives’. We aim to send people home glowing and healthy with skills they can implement into their lives.

We want everyone to be able to attend. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to wellness. By using the planet’s most impressive destinations as a backdrop, an active holiday gives you the opportunity to take in a holiday, where cycling and yoga are perfectly combined with sunshine, authentic cuisines and like-minded people give you the experience you need.

When you’re not getting behind the handlebars, or on your yoga mat, you’ll be in retreat-mode. And our main priority is your enjoyment, meaning you’re always in control of your level of participation.

After all:

  • Your health and wellbeing is important to you.

  • You care about what you put into your body and where your food comes from.

  • You enjoy the finer things in life – quality wine, delicious food, like-minded people.

Soulfit Adventures believes flow is the secret to fun. It occurs when we are so engaged in something that we lose all track of time. We don’t notice anything at all because we are so immersed in a task that is at once optimally challenging and absorbing. Some of our most immersive, flow experiences occur on the bike and our yoga mats.

Each one of our Active Holiday Retreats offers those precious quiet moments that fills us with awe and gratitude. While it might be in the streets of Tuscany, the sweeping landscapes of Provence or, it can happen just as easily on a quiet off beat track in Cambodia, as the sun rises, the day begins, and we feel that sense of awe, appreciation, or gratitude. It’s as though everything is right with the world. And for that moment while we are on two wheels, we feel a sense of fun and happiness.

And we know you deserve a remarkable life in magical places… Adventure awaits!

Pedal. Stretch. Breathe. Perfect Provence - 28 May to 4 June 2016 - click here

Pedal. Stretch. Breathe. Tantalising Tuscany - 11 to 18 June 2016 - click here - LIMITED PLACES

Restore. Stretch. Breathe. Exotic East Bali - 9 to 17 September 2016 - click here - ONLY 4 PLACES LEFT!

Pedal. Stretch. Breathe. Captivating Cambodia - 5 to 16 November 2016 - click here



What the…? How?

If you're a passionate wellness pro, or passionate about wellness in general with incredible fans, we create once-in-a-lifetime active retreats for peeps like you. And our formula is simple: You recruit your fans to join us for an incredible experience and we do all of the heavy lifting.


The Soulfit Adventures Ambassador Program is an opportunity to become an affiliate to our sales and marketing team. An Ambassador is someone (that’s you) who sells a trip in her/his community and gets paid after the sale with the potential bonus of a free trip. The goal is to establish partnerships that are mutually beneficial, in a transparent and fair way. If you have an active online and/or offline presence in the fields of travel, yoga, cycling, and fitness, you are a good candidate. Typical candidates are people who are aligned with what SoulFit Adventures is about. For example, yoga practitioners both students and teachers alike, cyclists, spinning or personal trainers, travel bloggers, lifestyle bloggers, travel photographers, bike shop owners, social media influences e.g. Instagram profiles, or you could be someone who simply has a zest for life and you want to help us spread the word.

Our terms and conditions are simple. All you have to do is re-post two of SoulFit Adventures social media posts, which are directly related to one of our trips per week or, post one of your own per week about any of our trips. Of course you are welcome to do more than that, but that is the minimum requirement. Remember that the more you talk, post, email, snail mail, telegram, basically get the word out there, means there's more opportunities for extra cash for you, or that possible free trip!

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Soulfit Adventures offers luxury cycling escapes for people who are passionate about travel and culture with a penchant for adventure. Participants enjoy a memorable experience that combines cycling with retreat style luxury, yoga and massage therapy. While, at the same time travelling responsibly and supporting local communities.


Retreats are held in Europe and Australia.

About Us

Copyright Soulfit Adventures 
2010 - 2023


Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from the author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Website by Sticky Studio


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